Our posts on R-bloggers

R-bloggers is “a blog aggregator of content contributed by bloggers who write about R” and there are literally hundreds of bloggers that contribute to it, since 2020, inSileco is a member of R-bloggers.

List of posts that we shared on R-bloggers

Creating a monorepo of R packages with GitHub November 23, 2023

R github github actions monorepo docker

A few thoughts about pipes in R August 25, 2023

R tips pipe internals

Continuous integration for R projects: from Travis CI to GitHub actions step by step November 24, 2020

Continuous Integration Travis CI GitHub Actions R package

Custom tick marks with R's base graphics system August 29, 2020

R ticks axes

inSilecoMisc 0.4.0 (part 2/2) April 21, 2020

R package development inSilecoMisc

inSilecoMisc 0.4.0 (part 1/2) April 14, 2020

R package development inSilecoMisc

Creating empty data frames with dfTemplate() and dfTemplateMatch() February 3, 2019

R data frame data frames generation row binding

A few thoughts on R packages December 3, 2018

R package development GitHub CRAN rOpenSci